Awareness tool for Windows PC

Awareness is a simple application to help computer users become more aware of time spent on the computer by playing the soothing sound of a Tibetan singing bowl to mark every hour of continuous computer use. The ingenious application also displays how long you’ve been using your computer without a break in the menu bar. The feature worth noticing about the app is that it will never nag you or force you to stop using the computer. Just play a sound, reminding you about taking a short break whenever you are ready. The tool is available here for download. Like your body, your eyes too need a moment of pause from staring at the computer screen since overuse of computers can cause some serious problems like Scoliosis, vision abnormalities and more. Pause4Relax is a simple program that can help you curb eye damage further ahead. Apart from this, other programs that can help reduce stress by reminding you about taking a short break at regular intervals of time are Breaker and Workrave. Now read: 5 health issues every over 40 computer user should be aware of!