CPU Fan Speed Error Detected Ensure that the CPU fan is properly installed on the CPU Fan header or adjust/disable the Fan Speed Low Limit option in the UEFI/BIOS. CPU Over Temperature Error 1 Press F1 to run setup.

CPU Fan error: Press F1 to run setup

It has been seen, the warning is usually triggered when you’ve turned on your PC. As such, the fan error occurs before Windows 10 OS boots and probably caused due to some hardware issue, and It may not be due to overheating. You can follow these tips to resolve the issue and get your CPU fan up and running: Find the more detailed description below!

1] Press F1

First, as recommended by them, press F1 to run the setup and follow the on-screen instructions. The completion of this task should help. But if it does not, then proceed to the nest suggestions.

2] Place your PC in a cool place

Heat is an inevitable byproduct of computer hardware operation, but too much heat can cause a slowdown across your system. So, the ambient temperature where you place your computer plays a key role in keeping your CPU fan cool. The idle temperatures under which your CPU fan can function optimally ranges somewhere between 32 – 40 Celsius degrees.  If the temperature exceeds this range, it can likely warm up your PC. Even direct exposure to sunlight can raise the temperature. So, the best way to avoid the error events is to place your computer in a cool place and under some sort of shade or covering. Fix: Processor Thermal Trip error on Windows

3] Clean your CPU fans thoroughly

For a CPU fan that is covered up with a thick coat of dirt and dust, you may use a cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol. The alcohol removes any grime that has settled on the fan blades. You can clean the interior and remove dust with an air gun or canned air. Avoid the use of any spraying or cleaning agents onto any parts, as this may damage some of the components. Alternatively, you can use external fans or heat dissipation devices to cool your computer. The commonly used small USB fans, household stand fans, or air conditioners make an ideal setup that can keep the components of your computer, including the CPU fan sufficiently cool and allows you to get the best performance from your system. Read: Free Laptop Cooling Software for PC.

4] Install a good airflow solution

You can improve the amount of air that flows in, either by optimizing fan placement or by providing airflow options to the builder. PC fans come in varying sizes (from a common 120mm case fan to more specialized configurations), depths, noise levels, and aesthetic considerations. You can choose the one that optimizes airflow and keeps your PC cool. Read: How to prevent or fix Overheating and Noisy Laptop Fan issues.

5] Check your CPU fan’s settings

If some software-related issue is causing this error, you can confirm it by check the CPU fan’s settings in BIOS. This method is occasionally used to troubleshoot tech issues. Enter the BIOS system of your PC and go to Advanced Settings. You’ll need to use the left and right arrows to navigate your way to the Advanced Settings. Switch to Hardware Monitor to access your CPU Fan settings. Here. Configure the status as follow:

Active Heat Sink – EnabledFan Duct with Fan – EnabledPassive Heat Sink – DisabledFan Duct without Fan – Disabled

Once done, save your changes and exit BIOS setup. Read: What to do when your CPU Fan runs at full speed always?

6] Change the BIOS setting

If you can see your CPU fan working properly and you’re sure your computer isn’t overheating or running too hot, follow this solution to bypass the CPU fan error message and get your device up and running properly. Note – It requires you to make changes to the BIOS setting. So, please proceed carefully! The CPU Fan error message should no more appear during the Windows boot.

7] Get it checked by a Hardware technician

If nothing helps, you may need to get the CPU Fan and its connections checked by a Hardware technician All the best.

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