Google Project Shield

Free DDoS protection for websites

Aimed at curbing DDoS attacks on your media outlet, Project Shield is built on Google’s infrastructure, creating a multi-layer defense system to protect your site against cyber attacks, including layer 3/4 and layer 7 attacks. This new service protects your website in two ways:

Filters harmful traffic –  If someone tries to take your website down with a DDoS attack, Project Shield can identify and block harmful traffic so your website stays up and running.Absorbs traffic by caching – Google saves cached versions of your website thus protecting numerous requests to access the actual web pages. This reduces malware traffic and thus DDoS attacks.

Talking about website performance, Project Shield is expected to have varied effects depending on the type of website. Some Project Shield users see better website performance because of Project Shield’s caching features. Other users see slightly slower performance as traffic passes through Project Shield. Although you can easily test it out on a small audience after launch, and test the performance. A great feature of Project Shield is that, although it is free, there are no ads built into the applicant’s website. It also doesn’t exploit website to target advertising or for analyzing ads-related data. Read: Why are websites hacked? STEPS TO REGISTER FOR PROJECT SHIELD HOW IT WORKS As shown in the image above, Project Shield acts as an actual filter that monitors all the traffic to your website and removes all the bad elements. WHO CAN APPLY Read: How to secure WordPress websites. You are eligible to apply for Project Shield, only if your website(s) or blog falls under any one of these criteria:

News or Independent MediaElections Information ReportingHuman Rights Information ReportingIndividual journalists.

The following do not qualify:

Gaming sitesBusiness sitesSites involved in illegal activities.

So if you think you are eligible, you definitely want to take advantage of this free offer from Google.

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