Check out the following screenshots below to see the difference. Before:


Restore WWW & HTTPS text in Chrome Address Bar

Earlier, the browser displayed a green padlock with the text ‘Secure’ before the URL in the address bar to mark a website as secure. Now, this scheme has changed, and the browser simply prefers to hide HTTP/HTTPS and WWW flags in the address bar. These are made visible only when clicked, i.e, brought in focus. Open Google Chrome browser and type the following text into the address bar: When prompted with a warning, ignore it and proceed further. This will open ‘Advanced Settings’ page with the relevant setting. Look for the option reading Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Scheme and Trivial Subdomains.

When found, click the drop-down arrow and set this setting to Disabled. Next, hit the ‘Relaunch’ button seen at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can close the Settings page and restart Google Chrome. Now, when you open the browser, you will notice the classic look of the address bar is restored back. On a side note, it can be said that initial change indicated that the move was intended to push website owners and systems administrators to use the more secure protocol. This was acceptable as the makers had informed about the changes. However, now, there’s a concern about the intentions as there was complete silence over this new development of dropping WWW and HTTP Flags in the Google Chrome address bar.