In Windows 10, using File Explorer which is the default file manager, you can mark files with a star rating and then look for them according to the ratings you have passed. This doesn’t directly act as a clearinghouse for unwanted files, but just helps you archive the necessary ones suitably.

Star Rate files on Windows 10

In order to rate files on a scale of 5 stars: This opens a dialog box for the selected file where you can see the various characteristics of the file; its format, size, location, etc. From the options on the top, select Details.

Under the Description head of the Details category, you’ll find an option Rating, with 5 unselected stars. Rate the file as you wish and apply the settings.

That’s all that you have to do in order to give a star rating to a file. Users should keep in mind that while this functionality extends to most file formats on Windows 10, they may not be able to rate a few. While files in JPEG and MP4 formats have carried this feature across almost all versions of Windows, PNGs, and GIFs can still not be graded on a 5-star scale using the above method.

Search files by Star rating

After having graded the files, you can shortlist them using a keyword search on File Explorer. All you have to do is open File Explorer and in the search pane type ‘Rating:’ followed by the stars corresponding to which you want to look for files. In the aforementioned case, I have given 5 stars to a sample file, so my search for it will constitute the keyword ‘Rating: 5 stars’. Upon searching this, the 5-star rated file shows up. I hope this process will help you organize your setup and look for particular files in a more efficient manner. Read next: How to change the Scrollbar width in Windows 10.