Pinterest Tips for Bloggers

Usage of Keywords

People use Pinterest for items they are interested in. If you are an online store or if you write reviews about different things, you might use Pinterest for your benefit just by including proper titles for the Pins. It does not go without saying that you have to write down, as pin name and description, something that users might type in the search bar to find things (images of the things they want). That is, do not just keep the image name as clicked by your camera. Instead of leaving Pin name as “Image20”, complete it as “China-Designer-Plates”. That is just an example. I am sure you can think of better names that you can use to bring more users to view your Pins. Another example, to make it clearer, could be naming a pin as “Acer-Laptop-Widescreen” instead of just “Laptops”

Description of Pins

If you are serious about marketing, the description should be compelling. You can check Google or other keyword research sites for keywords related to the item you pinned. Use those keywords and key phrases in the description so that Pinterest presents it whenever a user types in anything related to your Pin.

Quick Descriptions

If you do not wish to have a separate description for any item other than what is there already on the website, you can simply copy-paste. You can further save time without copy-pasting. The trick is to select the text you wish to appear as a description and then click on the “Pin It” bookmarklet or button on the bookmark bar. That way, when you pin the item’s photo, the description is automatically copied to the Pins’ description.

Gaining Followers For a Pin Board

The method is to tag people in the description – after the description. All you have to do is to add an @ symbol. When you press any key, all names of different users interacting with you will appear for ease of searching. Just select the one you wish to tag and click on it or press the tab after moving to it using the arrow keys.

Start a Conversation – Make it to the home page of Pinterest

This, again, can be done from the Pin Description. After you have done tagging people in the description, ask them something so that they are compelled to reply. For example, you can post a pin about something you created or of your product, and ask them what they think about it. That will open up a conversation. The longer the conversation, the better the pin ranks on Pinterest. The better it ranks, the further it will move on the home page of Pinterest. Read: How to become a Pinterest Influencer?

What are your competitors Pinning?

This is a simple tip or trick hidden in Pinterest. To find out what’s being pinned from your rivals or competitors, use the following URL: For example, if your competitor has a website named, you can view pins from that website using That will give you an idea of how to get ahead of your competitors.

Mention Pricing on the Pins

If you are selling products, you should, as a rule of thumb, include the products’ price in the description of the Pin. You can also use it in the Pin Title if it does not look awkward. An example could be “Clay Painted Glasses from USD $2”. That will help people to know the price and click on your pin to get more information. You can also use the technique by mentioning offers and deals. For example, “Clay Painted Glasses 20% Off”. Such things arise the curiosity of people there for shopping, and they are sure to visit your marketplace – be it a review site or an online store. These are some of the very basic tips and tricks for Pinterest users that help them in ranking their pins higher and easily searchable. Pins, if promoted, in turn, promote your online shop, websites, and blogs. If you have any more tips, please share it with us. Read next: Blogging tips for beginners.